
Jonathan Martin 


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Jonathan Martin is the author of The Road Away from God, How to Survive a Shipwreck and Prototype, and hosts the popular podcast The Zeitcast. He holds degrees from Gardner-Webb University, Pentecostal Theological Seminary (MA), and Duke University (ThM).

While the product of the sweat and sawdust of the tent revival, Jonathan believes in a really big, wide tent—where everyone is welcome, and he preaches a love that is hotter than any hellfire and brimstone. At 6’5”, he is known for his commanding frame and bold preaching, but also a voice made tender from his own experience of finding God on the underside.

Wherever he goes, the message is always the same: no matter who you are, where you’ve been, or what you’ve done—God is at work to bring beauty out of your brokenness. He carries this message to churches, conferences, universities and seminaries, and retreats worldwide (Australia, Israel/Palestine, Lebanon, Kenya, South Africa, Ireland, Sweden, Italy, Mexico, and Canada).

His work and words have been featured in the New York Times, The Atlantic, NPR, Newsweek, Vox, Sojourners, The Huffington Post, Relevant Magazine, and The Journal of Pentecostal Theology.

Currently, Jonathan lives in Oklahoma City, OK, with his family and serves as the Lead Pastor of The Table.